Saif had not heard about NASA’s return to the moon, but he hopes that there will be many life improving spinoffs like last time.
Saif would take the opportunity to visit space if he could. But he thinks it is unlikely, but is willing to keep an opened mind.
Unleashing the capacities of people around the world to work together to make this world better, to explore space, and to learn about the nature of the universe will be key to ensuring humanity’s future.
I have been taking an online course to learn “Autocad Fusion 360 in 30 days” and using a 3D printer to create a physical version of the design. Saif and I will be working on scheduling an online session for people in his community to see the process and to see 3D printing in action.
If each of us take time to teach a little of what we know and if we all are constantly pushing ourselves to learn more, then we can make this world a better place.
Jalees believes in the “abundance mindset”. This is the thought that with human intelligence we can turn a limited amount of raw materials into an unlimited amount of resources. This is the thought that you enrich me, and I enrich you. This is completely the opposite of the “scarcity mindset” which says there is a limited amount. If I give you something, than I am poorer. And I need to go out and lay claim to everything I can so that I have something for me.
It is the “scarcity mindset” that Robert Zubrin called one of the “bad ideas” that lead to World War I and World War II. And if we are not careful, the scarcity mindset will lead to more conflict and less for all of us. Robert Zubrin likes to say that there are no “natural resources” there are only raw materials. It is human intelligence that can take a raw material and turn it into a resource. And every brain that we can get to think about the problem, the richer we will all be.
But the scarcity mindset is hammered into us from pre-school. We are in an artificial competition with our classmates. It does not matter how much you know in school, it matters how much MORE you know. Therefore if you want to be first in your class, you have no incentive to improve the other people in your class. In fact you have the exact opposite incentive.
Also, our schools teach abstract things. Not practical things. Students need to work and do actual productive things. Like cook the meals, repair the buildings, run a farm, figure out how to generate electricity, build cars, boats, and airplanes, and through all these activities the math, language, science, and engineering can be taught. Through these activities the related history can be touched on. And literature can be explored.
We could do so much more if we could only unleash the potential in ourselves and the potential in each other.