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Daniel is in the Space Hero Insiders program just like me. That’s how we met. We are both excited about how having a selection process that includes anyone in the world to train, improve, and compete to become a Citizen Astronaut who then will get to go to the International Space Station (ISS) for 10 days will do a lot to get people excited about space.
Last week I interviewed a marketing professional. He pointed out that the key thing to marketing is answering the question “What’s in it for me?”. Space Hero is an answer to that question. YOU could go to space!
Another topic that we explored was the need for our waste chain to loop back on our supply chain. We must be able to turn our waste into things that we need. And an area that I think we need to start is with plastics. I mentioned this to Daniel and he said, “What you need to check out is Precious Plastics!” I did and I’m blown away. Here is a community that is solving the plastic problem. And I want to involved.