Hyunmee had heard about NASA’s plans to go to the moon in 2024 as part of the Artemis program. She was reading about the Korean American that was part of the 13 astronauts that had graduated the Friday before last. She thinks it is good that we are going and exploring. She is a geologist and thinks it would be good if we did send a geologist but at the same time it is not necessary if the astronauts can bring back many rocks. She would go to the moon if it was possible.
Category: Countdown to the Moon
1806 – Franz
Franz supports everything that NASA does. But he had not heard about the plans to send people back to the moon in 2024. NASA needs to advertise more for him to know about it. Franz has heard about that group that was sending people to Mars, and he would go to the moon or to Mars if that was an option.
1807 – Meena
On the day of SpaceX’s successful in flight abort test of the Crewed Dragon, we are closer to getting astronauts launched from American soil on American rockets. And we are another day closer to NASA’s goal of getting people on the moon by 2024.
Today I talked with Meena. She had heard about NASA’s plans and thinks it is a good thing. She remembers when the first people walked on the moon in 2024.
1808 – Ian
In 1808 days we will be back on the moon. NASA’s Artemis program is taking us back to the moon.
I talked to Ian, my 9 year old nephew about it. He had not heard about it. He is not sure it is something that he would want to do.
We had a wide ranging discussion about the end of the dinosaurs, how the moon effects the tides, and much more.
1809 – Sierra
“Go space exploration!” I talked to Sierra about NASA’s plans to send people back to the moon in 2024. This was the first time Sierra had heard about it. But she thinks it is cool and once there are regular, safe flights she would go.
I asked her, “We have so many problems here on Earth, some people say we should not be spending money on space exploration. What do you say about that?”
“We might discover something while going to the moon that will help us here on earth,” she said.
Welcome to the Artemis generation.
1810 – Sunil
Sunil had heard about the 2024 moon landing from me. I have been inviting him to the NSS North Houston Space Society (http://NorthHoustonSpace.org) since it started. He is not a space enthusiast, but he supports people doing things. He does not plan to celebrate people returning to the moon (though I will be inviting him to my party, so let’s see )
He has no interest in going to the moon. The pictures will be enough.
I asked him about the recent events regarding Yusaku Maezawa‘s http://DearMoon.earth project with the dating show having the first woman around the moon be the winner. He is unconcerned as who can say right now who would be the first.
1811 – Ammaar
Ammaar has heard about the plans to land astronauts on the moon in 2024 from NASA’s twitter account. He is excited about NASA going back and he would like to go too. He is also a big SpaceX and Elon Musk fan. And he sees no reason why we can’t explore space and do all the other things that people want to do. There is so much we don’t know, let’s go out and explore.
1812 – Charlie
Charlie had not heard of NASA’s plans to send people back to the moon in 2024. He wonders what the purpose is and would rather see those resources used to address problems on earth. “Let’s cure cancer and HIV before exploring space.”
We started to talk about how space exploration competes for resources for curing disease. Also talked about what it takes to cure disease. But we did not get too far as our Yoga class was starting.
1813 – David
David has not heard of NASA’s plans to send people back to the moon in 2024. He thinks it should be a good idea.
1814 – Giavonnah
Giavonnah had not heard about the 2024 plans to put the first woman and the next man on the moon, but she is happy to see it happening. She thinks it a good use of money. She is not interested in going to the moon herself, but would be willing to take a suborbital flight on New Shepard.