Countdown to the Moon

1697 – Jerry

Countdown to the Moon

1698 – Rebecca

Countdown to the Moon

1699 – Ian

Countdown to the Moon

1700 – Britton

Britton and I went to Orangefield High School together. She became a high school teacher focusing on AP American History.

What will the next 100 years look like?
“Technological things. We have come so far. Politics will revolve around technology than anything else.”

Do we know as much about technology today? Forty years ago people really understood how a car was put together. Twenty years ago people built computer. Now it is all a black box. People do not know how it works.
“Technology in some ways retard us. Kids just expect for the technology to work. But they can’t write as well. They can’t critically think. They don’t know how to type because it is not taught any more.” (My younger son uses to learn typing.)

Many things were going on during the first moon landing in 1969: Vietnam war, civil rights, cold war, Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy assassination. How much of it do you cover?
“Only able to show the video of the moon landing and mention it in the context of sputnik and all the other things going on. The 2024 moon landing will help to re-energize everyone.”

What do you think about 2024?
“Good and bad. Will help with technology. But at the same time how much money is being invested in this when there are other problems that could be focused on.
Everyone wants to be an astronaut at some point of their lives. It can help get people to study science and technology.”

If it was a safe and affordable would you go into space?
“Sure. To be in space would be awesome. To be able to see the earth from the perspective of the moon. Why not?”

(TV Series reference: The 100
Plot: Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity’s lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet. )

“Having movies like Hidden Figures helps to excite and remind people about space.”

How do you feel about having the first woman land on the moon?
“I don’t feel one way or the other about it. It should be the best person for the job. Don’t send people up there just to fill a quota.”

Big event coming up: May 27, 2020 – SpaceX will be launching two Astronauts from Florida. This will be the first time that American astronauts have launched from American soil on American rockets since the retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2011.

Countdown to the Moon

1701 – Redouane

We will always have problems on earth. “The poor are always with you” It does not mean we should ignore it. We should address it. But that does not mean everything else on earth should be placed on hold. We should explore, discover, create. We have to approach life with balance.

The ice on the poles of the moon is a critical resource. We need to take steps that we preserve it. It would be bad to go to the moon, and do something to waste this resource.

The Outer Space Treaty needs to be rethought. We need to open up the economic forces to move us into space. And this means the ability for countries to claim resources and places off of earth. Yes, we need to protect the rights of countries that will come later. But we need to take a balanced approach.

Maybe we should start with giving every country so much area of the moon for so many years. They can sell their area to another country. But to claim it they must do something with it. Place a lander gives them so much area. A rover can give them more. Humans landing gives them more. A permanent base will give them even more.

Countdown to the Moon

1702 – Mark

Mark and I talked a good amount about the effects of quarantine and Covid19. People are learning how to work online, go to school online, connect with friends online, shop online, and even see the doctor online. This capability will accelerate many of the trends of virtual business displacing physical businesses.

We also did get to talk about NASA’s 2024 moon plans. Mark had heard about it, probably from news relaying the current administration’s goals and objectives. Mark supports exploration. He does not see much value in going back to the moon per se, but supports it for spinoffs of technology, bringing people together to work on a common goal, and how it would support further exploration. And if it were safe and affordable, Mark would go into space. But he would probably not go to Mars.

We talked a little bit about NASA’s current approach with the Human Lander of having companies be responsible for creating the lander and selling the service back to NASA. This is a different approach than what was done in the Apollo program, and it is a different approach than what the US House Science Committee wants to do. They would like to have the traditional approach of having the government define all the requirements, pay a government contractor to build it, and for the government to own it. We know that this approach leads to costly solutions that take longer to build and have very limited use.

Hopefully this new approach, which has had great success in the private sector, will produce great results that will allow for us to continue to use it.

We also talked about this project. Looking at the videos and doing an analysis is something I plan to do. I am thinking the videos will be especially interesting to see a few years from now. What were people thinking and talking about? What were their views of the 2024 moon landing? And to actually see what happens.

Countdown to the Moon

1703 – Rajan

Rajan lives in Pakistan and is a mechanical engineer. He mainly works on design HVAC units. He had heard about NASA’s plans to go to the moon. He supports exploration. And if he could, he would go into space.

Our connection was not good. I am really looking forward to SpaceX Starlink becoming operational and being in widespread use. Starlink can allow for us to connect with people all over the world with high speed internet.

Countdown to the Moon

1704 – Arfan

Great talk with Arfan. He is a veterinarian in Pakistan. He works for a company that produces feed for chickens.

He was aware of NASA 2024 plans to land people on the moon. He had heard about it from friends. But most of the people I have interviewed had not heard of it. And it is very possible that people might pay more attention if we were sending a dog to the moon. Of course, they might seriously ask questions about why we are doing that.

But how long would it be before we start sending pets and bigger animals than mice into space? A pet could provide much comfort to astronauts on a 6 month voyage to Mars. Also, at some point we will be creating permanently crewed facilities on the moon and on Mars and beyond. At some point those facilities will have families. And eventually those families will have pets. I am willing to wager that there will be pets in space in the next 20 years (so by 2040 we will have dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. in space).

Arfan is supportive of exploration. But we need to figure out how to live in peace with each other here on earth. How do we promote understanding. The internet can help like minded people across the world to band together for common causes. But not everyone has access to the internet. And in China the internet is censored to help support the state government. How can we have world peace if we can not have open and truthful conversations across the world.

And space is going to make it much harder for governments to control what their people see online. Starlink may be the way that we free people in China. It will be nearly impossible to monitor every roof top and to stop Starlink from every house.

In order for the people of the world to be at peace with each other, they need to be free.

Countdown to the Moon

1705 – Alan

Alan Ladwig is no stranger to the idea of people travelling into space. Not just astronauts, but everyday people and people like Teachers, Journalists, Artists, and others. He has been an observer, promoter, and enabler of this enthusiasm for personal space travel. One example he gives is Pan American World Airways’ “First Moon Flights” club which began in 1964. This was the list of people that would hopefully start taking flights to the moon in 2000. Before the program ended in 1972 more than 93,000 people joined the waiting list. Back in the 1960s through the 1980s it appeared that all of us would be able to take flights into space. It was only a matter of time.

His book “See You In Orbit” chronicles his experience regarding personal space flight. With his knowledge and experience at NASA and from outside of NASA he brings an unique perspective. I highly recommend it for anyone that dreams of going to space. (And for those who seek to understand those of us that do.)

In the 1980s Alan ran the Spaceflight Participant Program that selected the first Teacher to travel on the Space Shuttle. With the Challenger disaster, the program was cancelled. But was in the process of selecting a journalist. And would later select an artist. The DearMoon project plans to send a group of artists around the moon in 2023.

There is still strong enthusiasm for space travel. The Mars One program demonstrated that many people would be willing to make a one way trip to Mars (though I sometimes one if the couple of months of quarantine for Covid19 might have given them an idea of what being in a small vehicle for the 6 months travel might be like, and might have dissuaded some of them.) But I think the the enthusiasm for space travel has changed somewhat. Most of the people I have interviewed have expressed interest in travelling to space. But there have been some notable exceptions. Consider the interview with daughter Jordan (18) and mother Nicole (40s). Nicole would go into space, but Jordan has no interest.

But in my 135 interviews I have done so far, I would say that only 15 or so knew about NASA’s plans to go to the moon. Most people had not heard about it but were supportive when they found out. What should NASA be doing differently? The media landscape is completely different than in 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Then there were few media outlets and everyone received the same news from them. Today, everyone gets a personalized news feed. If the platform thinks you are interested in space, then you see the latest space news. If it doesn’t then you see other things. This is true for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many other ways that you get news. If you are not a space person, then you are probably more likely to learn about space from a friend than from an online source. (Space people, do your friends know that NASA is going to the moon in 2024?)

Alan would like to see the 2024 date happen, but he has been in aerospace for over 40 years and he knows that it is more likely that schedules get pushed out. Dates are seldom made.

But today NASA took a big step towards its moon plans. It selected three teams to develop a Human Lunar Lander. The teams are lead by Blue Origin, Dynetics, and SpaceX. These teams are taking different approaches. And SpaceX has been making very quick, visible progress with Starship in Boca Chica, TX.

Regardless of what happens, I plan to conduct interviews up to the end of 2024, one per day. And I hope to spread the word, get different perspectives, refine my own views. Ad Astra!

Countdown to the Moon

1706 – Cindy

What would it take to make people aware of NASA’s plans to go back to the moon in 2024? It was mentioned in the 2020State of the Union address.

In reaffirming our heritage as a free nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation. Now we must embrace the next frontier, America’s manifest destiny in the stars. I am asking Congress to fully fund the Artemis program to ensure that the next man and the first woman on the Moon will be American astronauts — (applause) — using this as a launching pad to ensure that America is the first nation to plant its flag on Mars. (Applause.)

2020State of the Union address

The Vice President has been hosting the National Space Council meetings where it is front and center. Jim Bridenstine has been publicizing it. NASA has been active on social media. But the vast majority of people do not know.

A lot of it may be disbelief and the fact that so little of the progress has captured the public attention. And as we approach the launch of the first Space Launch System (SLS) in summer of 2021. As Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) providers successfully land on the moon in 2021. As the capabilities of the SpaceX Starship become more solid and visible, it may generate a renewed interest in space.

But this COVID19 situation will no doubt have an impact. It will be tempting to trim much of the budget to fix some of the issues with our health system and the economy of this. And it will be interesting to see if this effort becomes one of the near term victims.