Author: GadgetNate
1488 – Sreekanth and Chakra
1489 – Coen
1490 – Elliot
1491 – Peter
1492 – Grant
1493 – Sutton
1494 – Aya & Maryam
Aya is studying space medicine in Egypt! She wants to go to space and see humanity expand and explore out into the solar system.
Aya’s sister, Maryam, is in 6th grade and is also very interested in space.
Talking to Aya and Maryam gives me great hope for humanity’s future.
1495 – Steve
Steve Jones wants to go to the moon and he is checking all the boxes. He flys jets for a living and has been flying for years. He has a Masters in Aerospace Engineering and Geology. He wants to fly for NASA, Blue Origin, or SpaceX. I hope he makes it.
UPDATE: Steve is participating in the Inspiration4 contest!
Space art to promote climate change awareness. Putting the A in STEAM!
Check out his video!!
1496 – Michael
Michael Olaya is CEO of Dexter. He has an interesting view on education and the importance of both learning a wide range of material and being able to think about it and use it. I had some connectivity issues during our interview, but even with that, this was an interesting conversation.
Dexter is a private school based in Texas for passionate learners wanting to develop their best selves. We provide creative, relevant, and real-world learning for the next generations of thinkers, designers, and doers with a focus on STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading and Writing, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Our full-time students attend school at our in-person campus in Wichita Falls, TX.